They are working hard.. as soon as its ready it will be released. these guys are building a great game, using a very complicated engine, concepts that will make most ppl cry, and hardly any budget. for a Beta game that most of us payed about $10, we shouldn't be demanding or expecting anything. Squad has a great reputation for providing a great product, at an incredible price and offer support (directly from the developers themselves). can you name another game developer that offeres all this? please let them do what they need to do and just kill the remaining time by blowing stuff up!!! after all, isn't that what initially drew all of us to love KSP??? I want the Latest and greatest just like everybody else but please remember, there are still a few developers out there more worried about offering a quality product than getting something to market to sell regardless if its any good or not. SQUAD has done an incredible game, involving far more work than most of us would ever be willing or able to provide.. remember we are BACKING our developers, not Pushing them.. .21 will be here soon, and so will .22, 23, and 25. that's the fun in the project!! it is always growing and changeing. it you really need something that is sloppy but rushed to be released, i will glad to send you a copy of DOOM. Seriously, SQUAD is doing great and working hard, lets please keep that in mind. Keep going team. We all love what you guys are doing!!!! ........Or am i the only one feeling this way?? If so i apologize and encourage the mods to remove this post quickly!!!