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Everything posted by Yato

  1. Thanks again you have been really helpful, sorry to keep asking I am completely new to KSP forums so it feels nice having someone there to explain things.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/WKhEkjC https://imgur.com/a/mDEzHs2
  3. Thanks a lot, I think that does solve my problem and yeah definitely not making the same mistake, I've sent so many rescue missions and its just taken so long. I still don't think it's going to be easy but now that you've explained it I will at least know more about how to do it. Any recommendations for such a site? I don't really want to be snooping around the internet looking for something which could easily become dodgy.
  4. I do have screenshots but I'm not able to paste them into this reply. Do I have to paste them in a certain format?
  5. I am fairly new to KSP so when I was sending up my earlier missions one of them got stuck in an orbit with no engine or fuel. The problem is that I want to send a rescue ship so that the Kerbal in the original ship can EVA to the other one and land safely. I have tried to do this several times but the orbit of the original ship is too steep and I can never change the new ships inclination to meet it. I don't know if I am just not making the manoeuvre correctly in space of if maybe I should change something while lift off. I am also not too confident on my rescue ship design but I will be able to figure that out or search it up. My over all question is how to make big changes to inclination while in space.
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