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Everything posted by racsumsar123

  1. just a little note: this seems to only happen to newer crafts efter a certain point, so it might be from a new mod install/update.
  2. so basically every time I try to merge new crafts the parts gets randomly displaced like this: here is the modlist in use: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O66iK9NG3Km3muMN3gamfbeRmXVplmhU/view?usp=sharing here is the logs folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K8MbGALxYykXkr5oY01d9hy5ThQ_qMtP?usp=sharing all help is appreciated, thank you!
  3. is there a way to cycle a servo's angle by a sett degree? for example, I'm trying to build a rotating missile rack, and basically i want to be able to press an action group once to turn the rack 90 degrees, and then when i press the action group again the servo should turn another 90 degrees in the same direction.
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