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  1. If you look at the end of the KSP 2 announcement trailer it says the game is coming on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. KSP 2 is probably never going to come to 8th generation consoles (let’s hope that it does), but that means the game’s systems and functionality (colonies and interstellar travel) were designed around the weak laptop cores from that generation and since the game is primarily CPU limited there is definitely a ton of room for optimization until the final release if it is ever going to ship to consoles and for many PC players to enjoy.
  2. Hi, I am currently looking for a laptop and the one that I found has a Price Gap of Around $100 Between 8 and 16gb of RAM, so is it better to spend that extra money for more RAM? My current install is around 7 - 8 GB Thanks, Some person on the inkernet
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