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  1. Hey guys! First of all thank you for this awesome mod! I have enjoyed myself tremendously for the past two years. I just restarted a career game, and I have an issue I never encountered before. I'm trying to build my first orbital rocket, a caveman rocket that need to be 138 tons in order to reach orbital speed. I have a 150t launchpad currently in the making, but it's not done yet. In previous versions of the mod, you could build a rocket that exceeded your pad capabilities. In my case, when I try to build my caveman orbital rocket, the game tells me that it failed to pass the editor check because the rocket was too big, that it was going to build it but that I wasn't going to be able to launch it. Fair enough, except that when I press "OK", nothing happens, money is not spent and the rocket is not added to my queue. The issue is the same whether I order the rocket from inside the VAB, or using plans when i'm in the space center screen. Has anyone else encountered the same problem? Thanks a lot!
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