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  1. I can confirm the script is now working as intended in Kerbalism! The command probe enters hibernation mode during coasting phase, then returns to operational before the circularization burn. Very nice work on this one!
  2. I'm getting an error when the script initiates the Coast Phase. kOS Terminal Screenshot
  3. It is Kerbalism that removes the ability to toggle Hibernation on and off. I had to do a quick test with a stock save and only kOS and Kerbalism to confirm this. With that said, I agree with you. Users of Kerbalism will just need to disable this feature. Having a configuration option would be a nice solution without being overly complicated. The thing I still find interesting is that CLS was able to change the command state at all. I guess Kerbalism doesn't completely remove the feature, just hides it from the menu. Thanks for looking in to this one!
  4. Here is my full modlist from CKAN. I was able to workaround the problem by commenting out the lowPowerMode() function in the cls.ks script. Force stopping CLS does not allow me to exit Hibernation. As for what mod or difficulty setting removed the ability to toggle hibernation, that I'm not sure of. I'm currently trying to figure that out. For some reason though, the functionality is still there, just not accessible to the player. So CLS was able to set the command state to Hibernation, with no way to bring it back to Operational. I will look into this further and see what I come up with. I understand if this issue is unique and therefore outside the scope of CLS, especially since I'm not sure yet what removed the ability to toggle Hibernation in the first place. Edit: It's Kerbalism that removes the ability to control the Command State of the probe. It handles that different using its own scripting. I just tested it using a Stock save with only kOS, and Kerbalism.
  5. I'm back with another bug(potentially)! I'm currently doing a JNSQ career save and using your script to launch my first few rockets. I have encountered an issue with your lowPowerMode function however. The script is setting the Command State to Hibernating during the coast phase of ascent. Then the script is supposed to toggle it back on. However, in my save this is not possible so the probe is staying in the Hibernation state permanently and I only have partial control of the probe from that point on. I can not manually disable Hibernation either which is curious. Again, I'm not sure which mod is the culprit. This has occurred with both the Stayputnik, and QBE probe parts.
  6. Wow! Very nice work and quick response time. I'm going to download the newer version and give it a go. I thought it might be the case because I had done some fiddling around with that before and ran into the issue that ReStock changes module names/strings. I tested your script with a stock KSP installation and it did work fine for my rockets. Thanks for looking in to this one.
  7. I am trying to use this script today and am getting a HOLD HOLD HOLD, No Launch Clamps detected error despite the fact I do in fact have launch clamps. I have tried every possible staging combination on a simple two stage rocket and nothing is working. I am using Restock and it does change some of the stock parts, is it possible the string for detecting the launch clamps should be different for use with Restock?
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