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  1. I have a question about the Van Allen Belts, specifically the inner one on Kerbin. Do you guys also think that it is too low down? If you want to put a space station into the orbit of Kerbin you run into serious problems with the inner Van Allen belt since on the equator it has an altitude of about 80 km (sun-facing side) to 150 km (shadow-facing side). This means that the only feasable way to put a space station into Kerbin orbit is either an extremely low equatorial orbit ergo a parking orbit which is not ideal for space stations or into a very very high orbit between the inner and outer belt which would be (I think) somwhere around 1500 km. If you want to place the space station into an inclined orbit it gets even more problematic since the inner belt is actually (and realistically) lower here. On earth for example the ISS is orbiting in around 400 km altitude while the inner Van Allen belt ist around 1600 km. I know that Kerbin has other dimensions than Earth but if I scale things down to resemble earth shouldn't the inner van Allen belt be at least at around 600 or 800 km so that ISS-like space stations can be put into a 45° inclined Kerbin orbit at around 200 to 250 km. Just curious if anybody else has given this some thought or has also problems with deploying space stations in Kerbalism and if anybody knows if it is possible to tweak some CFG file to edit the parameters of the Van Allen Belts. Cheers.
  2. @SciMan Thanks mate! That worked out for me and is also totally useful for tinkering with other parts where tweakscale doesn't work. I will now try to edit the curved solar panel to function as a radial heatshield for reentry with larger rockets starship/shuttle style.
  3. Complete noob here. I am trying to add an additional curved solar panel to the NFS solar parts pack, namely one with 5m radius (there are only 2.5 and 3.75 m parts). This should not be that hard, even for somebody not knowing what they do (like me). I have added a new config file that I have edited to fit my desired part but I'm still missing the matching .mu file and probably some other stuff that is not so trivial. Can anybody maybe give me some hints?
  4. I really love the mod, thanks for writing it! One thing though, does anybody else only have 3° gimbal range with the "420 deinonychus" engines" (the raptor replica)? I mean it should be way more, like way way more. On YT it seems that other people have a greater gimbal range with it though....
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