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  1. Yeah I can imagine. Anyway, I appreciate your mods very much, thank you!
  2. Thank you both @SciMan @Axelord FTW! I thought I was already using System Heat and just didn't know how to use it properly, but adding the patches indeed fixed the issue with crazy heat spikes. I wonder why the heat spike appeared when using the ground attachment though, but I like the system heat mechanics much more so I'm not going to investigate that Now I have new issues with crafts in my save file using System Heat-engines but KSPI-E radiators though, but I've managed to circumvent them for now with savefile-modifying and adding reasonable SystemHeat parameters manually.
  3. When my base attached to a Stamp-o-Tron ground anchor loads (either by timewarping, or loading a quicksave, or approaching from a distance), my Excalibur fission reactor momentarily reaches insane core temperatures and overheats. The temperature is a big number for approximately one frame (took me many atempts of timewarping and pausing when exiting the timewarp in order to get a screenshot) and instantly returns to whatever the temperature was before the time warp. This happens even if the reactor is turned off and cool (apprx. 400 kelvin). If I detach my docking port from the Stamp-o-tron, the reactor works as fine. I've temporarily "fixed" the issue by adjusting reactor-25-2.cfg to allow insane temperatures, essentially making it impossible to overheat.
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