I thought I might share this: The new Pegasus v2: Is it a Jet? Is it a glider? It\'s a twin-turbojet powered quadplane! Wether it\'s lazyly gliding above the treetops at 30 m/s or speeding at 527+ m/s at 15 km altitude, this thing can do it all. Started out as a design for a recon/exploration craft, then took a turn towards almost mach 2 jet somewhere along the line... I have no idea how -or when-, but I like it! //aditional info: -The lowest thrust is enough to climb and do basic maneuvers. I actually haven\'t yet tested for max range, due to just how damn long this thing stays in the air. -Going ~15 m/s during a landing attempt, I managed to climb back up about fifty to about a hundred metres, so determining minimum glide speed is very difficult. (Though I can tell, it\'s very slow ) Flight tips: -for stability, keeping SAS on is recommended but not necessary. -start with full/high throttle, else the exhaust burns away one, or both, rearwings for whatever reason... [resolved in v2] -don\'t attempt to glide in thinner atmosphere, I haven\'t managed to get out of the inevitable stall during my testflights. -for all her gliding capabilities, she\'s a pain to brake: use the rcs, that\'s it\'s sole purpose. [v2: added 4 parachutes] Improvements and specifications in V2: -added two pairs of parachutes for braking if landingzone is small -added three droptanks to the bottom, functioning as landing gear as well, allthough stability on the ground is severly decreased. -dropping them off before landing is advisable. --> Due to this, the stage layout for the braking parachutes is: droptanks -> parachute pair I -> parachute pair II (change on your own risk.) Enjoy!