Thank you for responding so quickly. I understand then. Almost feels like a shame. The limitations on data storage (requiring electric charge, and finite capacity) make for some interesting gameplay decisions. Hm... perhaps one rebalance to make them more enticing would be to have the hard-drives circumvent the need to conduct repeated experiments in the same biomes? i.e., for any given experiment, it first checks whether or not the data gathered would be enough to get all the science value for that experiment (if recovered) - if it would not, then either give a percent bonus data, or simply give full data. That way, it'd be more 'efficient' to store data on hard-drives, rather than having a couple experiment storage units doing 'collect all' and spamming the experiments. Idk; maybe that's a bit too powerful a bonus (particularly for non-resettable experiments); but considering you'd still need to conduct those experiments separately per biome, I feel it wouldn't break the game too much. (I'm looking at you, gravity scans... [for some planets/biomes, it can take 4+ scans to get full science value])