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Posts posted by lop948

  1. For those who are having issues with the fuel cell patch, check if any other mods that change the fuel cells are installed.  For me, it was Restock, which has texture patches for the fuel cells. I use CKAN, but this should apply whether you use it or not.  Personally, I just uninstalled Restock because it was easier while testing. The config file (Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\kFSD for Steam installations) is easily modifiable, and can be changed to another part that you choose as the OP says, as long as the correct part name is provided.

    I haven't done any testing on what actually happens when you change the part, but it seems like it just makes a duplicate. If you want to add the functionality to another part, make sure to check the rescale factor as well, and set it to 1.0 if it needs to be a certain size to fit, by default it's set to 2.0.

    A couple notes, the FSD options are in-flight, so you'll only see them in action groups. To be safe, don't use more than one drive. Perhaps setting up multiple action groups would allow for multiple drives but in my experience, you only need one.FSD.png

    Image is how it looked once successfully installed. Visually, not different from the fuel cell at all and the resource section remained the same as well, but the drive functioned as intended while in flight. The ship parts are from the flying saucers mod, seemed to mesh well with this mod's  .

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