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  1. yea i got that, i was hoping the same. i had it multiple times during a high speed plane test. im guessing it is a bug where the game thinks the skin temp limit is 2000k in stead of 2400k, because the internal temp doesn't just jump from 999 to 2040 twice yknow.
  2. in the editor is states the interior temp as 1000k and exterior as 2400k, so i believe it is a bug of some kind. ablator just works as a heat sink right, making the surface temp lower, but not the temperature limit.
  3. hi my amalthea command module keeps overheating in re entry. in the vab it states the maximum temp as 2400k but it explodes at anything above 2000k. is this a bug or am i doing something wrong? it also states in the f3 menu as 2042/2000k.
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