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  1. Hey, Is there a way to remove the science wait times for kerbalism? I like all other aspects but not the wait times. Thanks.
  2. @Cheesecake I made the edit to the file but still none of the parts are showing up. the craft are but if i open one it says all the parts are missing.
  3. Hi here is my mod folder for bdb could you have a look through it and see if i am missing anything? https://mega.nz/folder/zu500DJZ#SGCXkP-jsd60bYrStVU5OA
  4. Ok i will give that a go if not i will upload the log file.
  5. Hi, So i am having some trouble with bdb and b9 part switch. I have attached screenshots of the errors, it is making the bdb parts not show up in the game and I have no idea how to fix it. Help would be appreciated. I have all the dependency mods and there https://paste.pics/7d05a7b0b7e03d8a95626161229a0fa9 (link to the screenshot) Thanks, Will
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