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Everything posted by KingRaulDamian

  1. That is Strange Because, In one of the craft I have mp tanks and on the other craft I have no mp in the command module. But it allows me to transfer it? I can post another screenshot. If you didn't see the one I already have.
  2. Yeah I'll try to figure out how to send sc. Do probe cores or reaction wheels block fuel transfers? What about heat sheilds?
  3. Hello, I have Two vessels docked together, I have both menus opened, all crossfeed is enabled on any part that can, and I have rnd 2. But it won't let me transfer fuel! This is a problem as I won't have enough dV In one of the vessels to get home, and a rescue mission isn't possible as I would just find myself in the same predicament. Please help, Jeb and Val need it desperately!! https://www.xbox.com/play/media/MVMBGBWL https://www.xbox.com/play/media/4G6GEKL4
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