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Stephen McQueen

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  1. Thank you for the work around unfortunately I was unable to make this work. I am going to decline contract and hopefully it or a similar may come up again. I have learnt alot about rovers and how to build them so not a complete lose. Great forum I appreciate all your help.
  2. Thank you for the help. Trying to load photo of rover but having trouble doing that. Rover is all configured correctly now wheels spin but rover doesn't move.
  3. I have a contract to add missing parts and find out what was wrong with a rover on the Mun. I have added a battery and solar panels giving it power, but when I move it it spins and does not go forward. It wont take a repair kit but on investigation found one of the wheels were spinning in the wrong direction. Is this a glitch or something that I can repair? Now have all wheels turning correct way but Rover won't move
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