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Everything posted by awoychosky123

  1. Sure I can post the craft files, ill try to compile a mod list for it too, but i cant be 100% sure exactly what I used, for the UH-60 I need to get in touch with the author of ColdWarAerospace since I am using parts that I modified from his mod. Thanks, long timer lurker and KSP player. Cheers!
  2. F/A-18F Super Hornet The F/A-18F is constructed using 136 of the finest scrap parts the Kerbal Navy could find in KASA’s trash. The F/A-18F is capable of carrier operations with an arrestor wire tail hook located on the rear of the fuselage. The F/A-18F comes equipped with two “J404 “Panther” Afterburning Turbofan” engines, this allows the F/A-18F speeds well over Mach 1. The F/A-18F also comes with six under the wing hardpoints for mounting missiles, bombs, and drop tanks. One hardpoint directly under the fuselage for mounting a drop tank, and a hardpoint on each wingtip for mounting AIM-9 Sidewinder Air to Air Missiles. Intake air is provided via two large rectangular intakes at the bottom of the fuselage, one for each engine. Fuel is stored in the wings of this aircraft. This aircraft only contains the VFA-103 "Jolly Rogers" Livery currently. Screenshots README Download https://github.com/awoychosky123/KSP-FA-18F-SuperHornet/releases SH-60 Seahawk No download yet, want to improve the 3d model for the tail, and also need to contact L0ck0n about releasing parts that I have modified from his mod(The turbine doors for instance are modified from his parts) EDIT: I have uploaded the .craft and have compiled a modlist in order to use this aircraft. I would say this is relatively mod heavy, requiring 13 mods and their dependencies. Old Post:
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