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Everything posted by MSE

  1. Thank you! I actually got a hit on the Reddit thread, and the person suggested "KSP Part Volumes" by, well, you know who. Everybody knows who. I swear that guy's a friggin' machine. And a very appreciated one as well. I'll look at KIfA also, as I stay mostly within Kerbin's SOI and build large stupid things, so I'm always looking for mods that deal with construction. Oh, and in case anyone was wondering, the operation was a complete success thanks to KPV, and the patient is resting comfortably. I stripped off the extra stuff, sent up a new adapter and some construction ports and it all worked out beautifully. Thanks again!
  2. I had started a thread on Reddit about this issue I was having, but as usual, since the post does not have pics of MOAR BOOSTERS, it never got answered. Or possibly even seen, so I figured I'd come ask the same things here. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about what to do about big parts not being moveable in EVA. I currently have 3 "Skylab" style MPL's from the stockalike station parts mod built like this: I'm trying to join the one orbiting Kerbin to my main station but am encountering problems. I have the Lab klawed to the side of the station with a small tug, and my construction ship is klawed vertically to the stat as well, as you can see here: I'm using the Konstruction mod's Construction ports to join and delete the docking ports after construction (you can see there's no ports between the modules, they've been removed). I want to remove all the extraneous parts -solars, heatsinks, etc- , slap a construction port on the end, and attach it to the other ports already on the station at that 6-way junction. As this is my first time in 1.12.3, I of course didn't read the directions and have found out the 2.5m parts can't be moved or something? I tried to temporarily move one of the 6-way's construction ports to the lab, but despite having 5 Kerbs around it to offset the weight req's but it won't detach, and I can't send up another docking port as they are too big for ship storage inventories apparently. My poor old PC doesn't like having 954978923 mods installed, so I'm trying to keep the mod count down, but are there any mods that remove the weight limitations on parts? I used to use KIS/KAS wayyyy back when...are they compatible with vanilla EVA cargo/construction? And does KIS or KAS up the weight limit for EVA work? Or better yet, (and this would be my preferred solution) I've monkeyed with the part configs before, is there something that I can change there to make the part moveable? All I want to do is pop off the conical adapter and docking port on the near end and put a Construction Port Sr on it but can't. My station construction has ground to a halt until I find the solution, but I'm stumped my dudes, any help is appreciated.
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