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  1. Thanks for your replies, but I just fixed it by just waiting to the next day
  2. I've already clicked Hidden items and found nothing...
  3. but I can show you what have in the gamedata (Some aren't Upper/Lower Cased) 000_clickthroughblocker 000_filter extensions 000_filterextensions_configs 001_toolbarcontrol 002_communitypartstitles ablative-aribrake aecs_motion_surpressor Airplaneplus AJE Anglecanmods animateddecouplers ASET Aoutohibernate B9_aerospace_proceduralWings B9partswitch BahaSP BDArmory BDArmory Weapons Extensions BDModularMissileParts Bettertimewaro Chatterer ColdWarAerospace CommnetAntennas Consumptor CommnetAntennasExtension CommunityCateorykit CommunityDeltaVmaps CommunityCateoryResourcepack custom customPrelaunchChecks DE_IVAExtension DecayingRTGs DecouplerShroud Deepsky DeployableEngines Diazo DistantObject DockingCanKURS DockRotate DynamicBatteryStorage EasyVessel Switch EditorExtensionsRedux EngineGroupController Engineignitor Extradockingports FerramAerospaceResearch Firespitter Flagpack Heatcontrol HullcamVDS InternalRCS JanitorsCloset JSI KAS KDSS KerbalJointReinforcement KerblaKonstructs KerbalMechanics KerbalReusabilityExpansion Kermantech KIS KRASH KSCSwitcher LaztekspaceXLaunchPack_90 Licenses MiniAirbrakes Mk2Expansion ModularFlightIntergrator ModularLaunchpads NavballDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE NavyFish NearFutureAeronautics NearFutureElectrical NearFutureExploration NearFutureLaunchVehicles NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft OrbitalLFOEngines PhysicsRangeExtender ProbeControlRoom ProxeduralParts RationalResources RCSBuildAid RealChute ReentryParticleEffect RemoteTechRedev ReStock ReStockPlus RetractableLiftingSurface RN_Soyuz RSSDateTime HuttleRevived Sigma SimpleRepaint SmokeScreen SolarPanelDegradation SolverEngines Sources SpaceTuxLibrary Squad StagedAnimation StationPartsExpantionRedux StationPartsExpantionReduxIVAs TextureReplaces TundraExploration TundraSpaceCenter UmbraSpaceIndustries Vesselmover Waterfall WaterfallRestock WhereCanIGo WhoAmI WildBlueIndustries XenonHallThrusters ZeroMiniAVC ModuleManager.4.2.1.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.techtree I typed all in my hand
  4. Sorry, but I couldn't find the playerlog thing from the files.... Reproduction steps: start KSP wait for loading cannot do anything in the title screen....
  5. (sorry I cannot upload the screenshot but it's just the title screen) I am stuck on the title screen and cannot use any button including "Start game" button and the "quit" button. How can I fix this? (I'm new to here, so forgive me if I didn't follow the form or something)
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