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  1. I'm sorry, I need information and I can't find it; According to the player guide it should be possible to relay signals through (Mk3) Command Pods without Direct KSP Connection. Well in my test case, I have a Mk3 Command Pod landed on the opposite side of Kerbin as KSC, and it won't let me use the "Single Hop" Probe Control Feature of this pod; Furthermore it displays on the map that it /should/ have a connection but instead of the normal orange line it has a tinged yellow line, which is odd, if i put the probe (which is orbiting Kerbin) as the Active Vessel it reads "No Connection". Now I've looked a bit in your config files, and something stuck out at me: SignalRelay is defaulted to False, which is something I'm not sure if it is necessary for this situation to work. Edit: I see, reading back it seems you made the specific conclusion that 6 pairs of hands are needed and a specific nondescript part to use that function. You know, as much as I like the flight computer mechanic I think I'll stick with Vanilla Commnet; It should not take 8 extra hands to do the job of 2 Pilots.
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