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  1. Ok I made a package with the original mod also the original max file the original psd and a licence readme text. It allow redistribution of a derivative work as long as it is a game mod of a new animation or picture. I guess it will easy to port it in the new version of Kerbal. I also give the right to include in a media of commercial nature. In case somebody want to use it on Youtube while monetizing or include it inside an animation or something that can one day make some kind of money. So a relatively wide range of practical use. I closed my website 2 months ago I'm preparing a new one but until then the files will be available on my google drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B25uuqjZRJk5UWhQWmJVbWhzQ3M
  2. I added new file to download with glowing heat and a normal map.
  3. I was thinking more something like a thermal system that use a fusion reactor instead of a fission . By injecting and heating an other mater it's possible to lower the impulse but I do not find any study of this concept pushed enough to work at see level anyway nobody want nuclear rocket at see level, lol.
  4. I know. we do not make fusion reactor that small but maybe one day who know. Even if the inside is donut shaped we actually see what contain the reactor so it look like a cylinder. and the box around is the electric system. I thought that it was too small so i made a second set around the tank.
  5. It's a magnetic nozzle and it also could be used to recover a part the lost of energy like gamma ray. It use the default ISP (no parameter). I don't know which parameter could make sense. So i thought it's a system that heat a lot of gas than one made for deep space travelling ad so a low IPS. I will make all the other stages and balance the parameters after. I need to find some information on how to make the motor turning red when hot and how to add a normal map . ect..
  6. 3 meters Z Pinch fusion rocket with 2000 of Thrust and a quite low fuel consumption. It also include the tank with the same design. There are 2 new engines with larger reactor 5 meters and 10 meters, it was a test to see how it look. Also now they have a normal map too. The 10 meters one can not have a full size collision mesh because it get stuck in the lunch tower lol. Now with the glow for the engine heat. While searching for new technology for rocket I found the Sabre rocket that can breath air up to mach 5 so I added this feature to the 5 meters thermal reactor I also use a toroidal aerospike nozzle. This one have an Isp = 2850 vacIsp = 1500 the vac isp is similar to some of the best thermal rocket value for and for sea level it is close to the expected one of Sabre rocket. Download: http://news.leucome.ca/files/leucome_Parts_v3.zip Deprecated... Download: http://news.leucome.ca/files/Leucome_zpinch.zip 5 meters with Air intake and aerospike. 5 meters 10 Meters
  7. I made a quick rough model of how i think a z-pinch fusion rocket could look .. the ring are intended to recover energy to make enought electricity to drive de z-machine reactor .. So what they recover hum maybe heat or magnetic field or gama ray .. ho maybe they recover both. What do you think about this concept ?
  8. Euh .. Yes . I think I will look at how to make plugin. To make a plugin to be able to slowly replenish fuel tank with planet atmosphere because any gas could be used as fuel with nuclear thermal rocket. The energy come from nuclear. So it could be used for round trip to other planet when other planet will be available .. I also think about modeling a z pinch fusion thermal rocket but I am not sure how it will look so I still do research.
  9. I wished for a more efficient 3 meters rocket so i made one. http://news.leucome.ca/files/leucome_3m_NTR_Engine_5x400v0.1.zip
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