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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Not sure that it is how they see it, but seems to me that it's a good idea to test one thing at a time. The payload itself can cause trouble, and if you use a real thing for the rocket test and something goes wrong, it's harder to find out what exactly caused this. Now they know that the rocket is at least capable of doing its job under certain circumstances.
  2. That's actually the second stage of my super-heavy lifter, normally used to bring large amounts of fuel into orbit. Never used it as an interplanetary stage before, but worked just well That mountain was indeed very bouncy, the final jumps were about 40 meters high. The funny part is when the rover is falling at about 10m/s, but the surface doesn't get any closer, since it's a downhill, and then all of the sudden it begins to elevate The trick to keep the rover somewhat steady was to hit F for a moment after every jump, realigning the ASAS with the new surface angle.
  3. I was browsing a game development forum, where someone posted an idea to create a game about building spaceships from parts and flying them. Then someone asked, how would it be different from the Kerbal Space Program. Minutes later I was on youtube watching videos and shortly after that playing the demo, and finally buying the game. It was when 0.14 just came out. In love with it ever since
  4. 2 things that might be worth a try. 1. quicksave - quickload (F5 - then press and hold F9) 2. leave to the space center (do not end flight) and then go back to your station via the tracking station
  5. Finally made it! The rover uses 8 ion engines, giving it a TWR of about 0.5 on Minmus. So the only possible takeoff is indeed horizontal. The only non-stock part used is Flight Engineer plugin (doesn't interfere with controls, only displays a bunch of useful numbers) 2 kerbals went there and back again in one piece each The landing. Mission control instructed to just get it low enough and then somehow it's going to be fine Oddly enough that worked It's midday on Minmus, but instead of having their lunch the crew is about to start rolling This is our runway A bit bouncy And we did it! A stable orbit, that mountain was a close call On our way back home What's that smell? Who said upside down is a bad landing? The whole thing took about 10-15 failed attempts (it's damn hard to control this thing once it's rolling fast)
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