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stellar and beyond

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  1. seems fair to me they can work on the new update and change the different points underline by community at the same time so 2 or 3 month may be a good approximation
  2. Hello I have a problem with BH and after some tests and research on the forum I do not see it and maybe you will have a solution for me the texture in high orbit is totally different from the grounds texture and the grounds texture i have is different from the images i saw from the mod I play with : BH 1.5.2 parallax 1.0.1 and the other mods are the ones needed to make BH work the best example is armstrong, in orbit is a grey and white moon and whene i get closer that change for a yellow mustard color
  3. the hype train has to accelerate to 88 mph for the game to launch Lol
  4. i heard the hype train have break the sound barrier with this tiktok post Ans also good friday at all
  5. bonjour j ai un gros problème avec ksp j ai beaucoup de mod (150) et quand je lance ma fusée l écran est noire ou figée ( donc je ne vois pas le mouvement de la fusé) mais je peux la contrôler, l envoyer en orbite, aller sur la carte, etc… ( j utilise rss) si quelqu’un a le même problème et sait comment le régler sa m intéresse merci
  6. what would be the probability that it is already filmed episode 6 and that it is shown at PAX East ?
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