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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. same problem. tried kerbin, mun and minmus. all the same, clips to the height of the roof and is not usable.
  2. Same as eran100, i\'ve got the part in the parts folder, DLL in the plugins folder and i freeze during start-up on the sat part.
  3. Excellent work on the life boat, flies like a champ and lands excellently even when i nose dive. My kinda craft.
  4. i changed the crash tolerance on this thing to 999999 and it is now my preferred re-entry vehicle. just nose down and bounce!
  5. Kerbal it into orbit. More boosters, and two to three hundred RCS. sounds good to me.
  6. I\'ve attempted a couple times now, but i cant land the thing. i\'m coming in with an empty fuel tank, low angle of attack but i can\'t get the nose to come up even with RCS. i still end up with much too fast descent and smoosh.
  7. Any recc\'s on how to launch from this tower? do you use a specific decoupler, orrrr? Every time i try and launch either by decoupler or just straight from the tower, big kaboom. not that i mind big kabooms.
  8. I think maybe he just means they\'re rather bright and colorful, compared to the very simply textured parts found in most sets/stock. Not actually something defective
  9. Shuttle, you're encountering atmosphere so your lander is attempting to go down aerodynamically. Just do a little piloting to smooth it out, you'll notice the legs want to point the direction you're moving.
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