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Everything posted by bdawg

  1. I really like this! I'm a space station guy myself, I'd really like to try something similar.
  2. Yeah I've tried a couple times without very much luck. Does the Mechjeb mod do automatic intercepts, by chance?
  3. Haha nice of you to say, but I\'m just a space nerd.
  4. Yeah Blairospace has abandoned dockability at this juncture, though the Faust 2 might have a docking bay. What\'s Faust 1? you might ask. Well, since we\'re on the subject: The Eclipse was a little excessive, I\'ll admit. So I decided to try something more reasonable and ended up with something more complex. Thus the Faust was born. Single stage to orbit with fuel to spare. This space yacht has two floors, an expansive interior, five engines, turns on a dime, and WILL make your KSP freeze(it\'s happened to me twice). It\'s not at all practical, being the hummer of the sky. But you\'ve gotta ride this rocket just to say you have. Here it is: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/94630383/Faust.craft
  5. So just because Blairospace could, Blairospace did make a titan of the stars. The Eclipse is ship with a big ass, but a lot of room for your crew. Capable of getting a fairly circular orbit; Darth Vader would have been proud to travel in one of these
  6. Are you doing something similar with a moon base? I\'d love to see pictures of that.
  7. Crap that was big. Sorry about that.
  8. A fair amount of thrust and a little help from the space pope.
  9. You\'re exactly right, there\'s really no other way to do it. Yeah, in my haste to build it, I accidentally built the structure on a decoupler(hense the two decouplers). On the positive side, it does give you a slot for whatever. But yeah, be ready to mount a rescue mission
  10. Totally! I have the feeling we could go way bigger and still be successful.
  11. Thanks so much for giving me credit, even though you didn\'t have to. I really like the addition of a thruster to the actual station unit.
  12. Really like the spiral look. What parts did you use to make the semi-circular curves?
  13. Okay so here\'s the part with the proper order of launch operations: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/94630383/Galaxy%203.craft The trick to getting this massive piece of home into a proper orbit is to conserve fuel by monitoring atmospheric pressure. The less pressure the lower on the throttle you can be while maintaining speed increase. Hope that helps.
  14. Haha I don\'t even have to check, I know what the problem is: When I launch this, I adjusted the order of operations to be perfect. But at it\'s default it might be a little crazy. Let me go back adjust it and make it easier for y\'all. I\'ll have an upload shortly.
  15. Please, go right ahead. If you can improve upon it, then do that too; I\'d love to see what can be done with it.
  16. That is the next step. Just building the rail before the train arrives at this point
  17. here is the file for my newest model. Enjoy. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/94630383/Galaxy%203.craft
  18. SO! Now I have the Galaxy 3. Roomier, much more stable and easier to get into orbit. The shuttle port now has a door made of landing gear and off-board ladders, in case your kerbins want to catch the view outside. Looks nice too New from Blairospace 'We do science and stuff...'
  19. Sorry it\'s taken so long, I haven\'t been getting notifications. I have a new version that\'s a little bigger, doesn\'t have any interior work, but it has two levels, one with a large docking bay. I\'d love to share the file so you all could play around with it, but I\'m not exactly sure how to go about doing that, being the noob I am.
  20. So I designed a space station that makes use of the new EVA feature to have an explorable interior. This is the second model, Complete with two ports(for extra vehicles) and rooms. I call it, the Galaxy 2 Space Station. By Blairospace 'We do science and stuff...'
  21. I was missing a resource, but once installed, it didn\'t change anything. I tried loading the MRZ parts again, but they\'re still giving me trouble.
  22. So with much fileswitching tweaking and tests, I can now use the part. Sadly, now it does not work. Neither does the ion engine that came with the pack. They just don\'t fire when activated. Is there a specific kind of battery or fuel I need? I\'m stumped.
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