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Posts posted by EPD

  1. I'm getting back to KSP and modding, and i would like to release my solar wings, but i encountered an issue...

    Everything is working fine, model is exported, mesh is fine, and it is working solar panel... on one side.

    Yes, as i know every solar panel has its own "raycastTransform", also i have 2, each for each side of model.

    name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
    sunTracking = false
    raycastTransformName = Suncatcher1
    pivotName = Suncatcher1
    isBreakable = false
    resourceName = ElectricCharge
    chargeRate = 0.60
    name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
    sunTracking = false
    raycastTransformName = Suncatcher2
    pivotName = Suncatcher2
    isBreakable = false
    resourceName = ElectricCharge
    chargeRate = 0.60

    Problem is both are facing same direction (i think), that's why when i turn over vehicle, wing will not produce energy. I can't flip vector of second object used as raycastTransform. I am missing something rly stupid related to rotation / scale in Blender / Unity.


    While setting node_attach etc you can just instead of 1.0 type -1.0 and you are DONE, then here I was trying rotating, scaling to -1, rotating one from 2 panels and exporting from blender to rotate it again in unity. Gosh Im missing something simple. Give your ideas, while i will be more "experimenting", maybe i will encounter solution somehow...

  2. Yes I am back, i never left for good my mod. Just was, and still am busy with other stuff. But fortunate i was working secretly and in quiet on some parts...

    Right now I know couple of things:

    1. Kerbal Space Port is going down, so I know I have to and I will upload new release on Curse

    2. I am a little bit behind with some cool stuff, like Exhaust FX ( yes I am working on that), and Tech-tree, so I know that soon I will ask for like 2-3 guys who will test my new stuff, and help me with balancing and implementing them on tech tree since i lost feeling of game, and they would know better in that case

    3. I know that you think right now, that i created like 100 parts, but unfortunatly no... However I will try to focus more on standard parts to just fill up my mod, like solar panels, batteries. Working on Vtol engines takes ages, other parts are just model and texture, bam-ready.

    4. I know that if i rly focus, maybe i will release all around 2nd 3rd July.

    5. Final thing... I know that my mod had too long name. Ion Hybrid Electric Pack. Jesus. But yes, HAD. From now, please welcome:

    Future Kerbal Space Program, Future KSP, or even shorter



    Since inside of mod, there are only futuristic looking parts, why not Future KSP :D What do you think?

  3. I'm still here, however I don't have as much time as before, but next release is coming ^^


    I think he meant RAM conservation, not in-game balance. You can safely cut down to one fourth of this mods current RAM usage by simply resizing all 1024*1024 textures to 512*512 textures. It'll affect the looks of the pack a little, but not too much, and it will make people able to install more mods.

    It was about in-game parts balance. I don't have enough time to "play" and test everything, or i make some mistakes in calculations (but I'm trying to fix it as soon as possible, like previous release)

    as i repeat has there been progress for this so far

    Yes, there is progress in next release, however several parts are suspended because I haven't found someone to help with plugin. Next release wont come tomorrow, however I see release date...


    I love this mod for the inline generators. The engines though are too heavy (if we add up everything, power generation and xenon tanks included) to give any significant deltaV advantage over nukes or even some good ISP rocket engines. Or did someone manage to make a really useful design out of them ?

    Engines will be rebalanced, Hybrid wont use Xenon any more, and will be more similar to stock nuclear engines. Also balancing VTOL engines with legs will take some time, also some resize matter, so they will fit bigger and smaller ships.

  4. Hmm, quick update and some answers.

    Actually, you could just make a duplicate of the thrust vector in unity, and change the fuel values in the cfg toggle. Or you could use the firespitter plugin like Bac9 did.
    Snjo was so kindly and give us permission to use Firespitter.dll plugin, with it we can create awesome stuff:

    As i mentioned before - WE ARE using Firespitter plugin. It's used for VTOL, and... something ^^ For switching Aero/Rocket mode we need different plugin

    I request, however, that the next update be a bit more... Resource conservative. If you can optimize the pack a bit, it would be nice.

    I am aware of some misscalculations, and balancing stuff, for this i suppose to "hire" one, two guys for testing and giving balancing ideas. If someone is interested in this, and got brain for such things - PM me.

    Have you thought about hexagonal panels?

    Again someone is asking for hexagonal solar panels... You rly want them don't you :D. I will post some picks today later...

  5. The only change I'd suggest is to have the legs extend just a little farther, so that the engine is slightly higher off the ground when landed, but that's just an aesthetics thing on my part. :)

    Sure, i need to fix something in textures, and yeah i was thinking the same...

    Also with new release i will make parts "stronger" so you wont need any structs to keep it together.

  6. It has been a while since I've said anything about next release, our progress or anything. Fact is that we both (Yorik and I) are kind of busy men :D Yorik was again gone for some time, and I have other stuff to do, but now I've managed to get some free time for new parts.

    As Poll is going on, we see that you want also structural parts in Ion Hybrid "style", and that kind of parts you will get :)

    To gather all up, engines, electric parts, structural and utility there will be major change in next release.

    The mod will change its name to Future Kerbal Space Program so you may call it FKSP, or Future KSP :)

    And from now this name is reserved till next release! ^^'

    Snjo was so kindly and give us permission to use Firespitter.dll plugin, with it we can create awesome stuff:

    Here have a look at new Hybrid VTOL engine, which is almost finished.

    Also you can see there flashing "beacons" which i want to release however there is one particular problem with them.

    If you wish to help - head to http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50690-Looking-for-plugin-or-someone-who-can-make-a-plugin-(controling-loop-animations)

    In next release hybrid engine mechanics will change - probably they will not use xenon any more.

    From now there are simpler parts to continue work on, solar panels, structural parts etc.

    EDIT: Ah, and new release under new name, and parts organization will not break your saves and crafts!

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