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  1. So I did that, and it just caused major issues, and when I looked at the mods on CurseForge, it said all but 3 of the mods I had installed, were corrupted. And if I were to try reinstalling the mods, it'd make a new GameData Folder in the GameData Folder, and still say the mods were corrupted
  2. Thank you for that. Sadly I can't seem to figure out what I'm supposed to do, cause if I try starting KSP, and all the mods on CurseForge say there's no problems, I can't use any mods. If I uninstall 1 mod, I suddenly have issues. and if I remove the GameData in the GameData it says I have issues, I install a mod on CurseForge, and I have a brand new GameData in GameData again, while still not being able to access the mods I download. Also in CurseForge it's now saying that some of the mods may be corrupted, no matter what I do. I am a lowly pleb who knows nothing compared to those who have such knowledge. I humbly ask for assistance
  3. I just installed some mods for KSP, and it's saying that I have more than one MM Watch Dog. I'm trying to follow the directions to correct this issue, but I'm not entirely sure how. I'm probably just missing the obvious with the usual case of being blind to the obvious problem, though when I look in the GameData folder, there's a second GameData folder, is that normal? Could that be causing the issue? Cause it has a MM Watch Dog DLL in it as well
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