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John Adler

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  1. Hay man, thank you so much. This... this is incredible.
  2. @JadeOfMaar See, the issue with all of these mods is they're not what I'm looking for. All I need is a one-size-fits-all ISRU, that is to say, a single part capable of producing every single raw material/resource in-game, regardless of what planet it's on, or where it's placed. Call it cheaty, call it too OP, I don't care, but I downloaded a bunch of mods because I liked how the parts looked, yet I'd rather not deal with all of the complicated game mechanics that my mods add...
  3. The link doesn't work... it keeps redirecting me. I think there might be a virus... Edit: I have just learned that [defunct website] has shut down. Where do I find this mod now?
  4. Is there a download from spacedock/github? And if not, can you put one on there please? Thanks.
  5. Is there a way for us to place our own cities down? Because if so, then it would be awesome to be able to build cities on other planets!
  6. I accidentally created two named Kerbals with the wrong gender. I need to 100% delete them from existance so I can make new ones with the correct gender. Is there no way to do this? I know there is another thread about the same topic, but that one is quite old. Are there any new methods that have been discovered? I can't code, and since they're custom Kerbals, the dismiss-and-cycle method doesn't work. The only way that I can think of is deleting my entire save file, but I have a lot of stuff that I've done in that save, and I would rather not lose all of my ships.
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