A long time ago I had this huge trip planned to Laythe with my best crew onboard. I play with crew respawns disabled so I try all I can to keep them alive but I'm really bad with orbital maneuvers and fuel management, but I thought I had compensated enough. Anyway, I got to Laythe and detached my lander to take Jeb and Bill down to the surface. All good so far, I was feeling great about it. They frolicked about and had their fun, then returned to the lander to rendezvous with the return stage where Bob and I believe another Kerbal, probably Doodhat, were waiting. But I had forgot the parachutes and had to do a powered landing, which used too much fuel so I couldn't quite make it back into orbit. The lander was sub orbital and decaying rapidly, over the course of maybe five minutes. I switched to the transfer and burned down to get close to the lander (it was high enough that I could force a change to a different craft to put it on rails so it didn't decay until I got close) but there was way too much turbulence to dock it. So I took a risk and EVA'd Bill out and flew to the transfer stage without too much trouble but I was going down fast. I switched back and got Jeb out. The wind was getting really strong and I almost lost him but made it back to the transfer stage. I thought I was clear but the ship had a TWR of like 0.5, even on Laythe. I burned with all my might but ultimately fell to the planet's surface. I fought to the bitter end, pointing the crew capsules up to maybe have a nice crumple zone. There was a 4-crew capsule near the top with Jeb in his own pod as the tip, and upon impact everything was destroyed but Jeb's pod. He was the only survivor. He was the one I was most worried about losing, but in the process of saving him I lost three other amazing Kerbals and Jeb was stranded. It was a very bitter victory.