Since this is the official KSP forum I figured I’d post this suggestion here in the small hope that someone somewhere might see it and implement it. It seems to me it would be a relatively easy thing to do and could be something you choose to enable or disable on starting a new game in KSP 2.
I love KSP, as we all do, but for me the one thing which ruined the sense of exploration (which is what the game is all about surely) was the fact that as soon as you go into the tracking station or the map view to create a manoeuvre node you see all the planets and moons. You can’t avoid knowing that Duna is red, Jool is green, and all the rest. In a game about the wonders of exploration this defeats the purpose entirely and obliterates the realism and sense of awe when seeing them once you get to them for the first time.
Therefore I suggest, in the hope someone somewhere involved in KSP 2 sees this, that instead of showing the celestial bodies as they are now in the tracking station and map view right from the start you instead you have a question mark “?” in the place they should be and that only once you actually enter their SOI does each one appear as how they are represented in KSP. Give me the sense of not knowing what I’m going to see until I actually get there, please.