Bug report, it appears to be impossible to collect data from or reset the science experiments for the Advanced Material Bay and the Advanced Goo Unit. I have seen a few reports of this in the forum but no logs or repro steps so far, it is reliably reproducible for me every time I attempt to use these wedges.
I have attempted to collect data from both experiments with a Pilot and with a Scientist and neither one can take data, there is no visible error message and the UI doesn't update to indicate that the data was taken (i.e. the 'Collect Data' button stays on the pop-up). I also tried putting the Data Input Terminal on my vessel and using it's 'Collect All' function to collect the data from these experiments, in this case the Materials Bay and Advanced Goo Unit behave differently, but both remain useless.
The Terminal seems to be able to pull the data from the Advanced Goo Unit, I get a UI update on the Terminal indicating that it has a science report that my Kerbal can take out, and I'm able to take the report and store it in my vessel. However, the Advanced Goo Unit seems to be unaware that the data was taken from it, or at least the pop-up UI is not correctly updated. On further testing it looks like I am actually able to collect data from and reset the Advanced Goo Unit, but none of the expected UI changes occur. For examples after 'Collect Data' I would expect this button to disappear but it doesn't, after 'Restore' I would expect the button to disappear but it doesn't, etc.
The Terminal is unable to pull data from the Advanced Material Bay and my Scientist can't collect data either, attempting to run another experiment after the first time shows the message "Cannot run experiment; Science module is full", but there is also no UI option (on the pop-up menu) to collect data or to restore the experiment.
I see the following relevant log messages indicating a NullReferenceException related to the Universal Storage 2 Science Containers, I can share the full log if it would be useful (though I don't see any way to upload files here):
My modlist is below:
I'm willing to share a craft file or anything else that would be useful if this is difficult to reproduce or is the result of a mod conflict, in my experience this has reproduced every time I have attempted to use these science modules (3 missions, multiple attempts to use them on each mission). These wedges significantly clean up the vessel design so I'd really like to use them.