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Everything posted by tomiamozilla

  1. Jednak na tej stronie nie można wkleić zdjęć z komputera, ale przeszukałem internet w poszukiwaniu tego problemu i oto co znalazłem https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/17444480966997600575/ however, this is only a temporary solution
  2. That ship has everything who have need, it looks more like problem with locked keys
  3. Sorry, but I don't normally use this language
  4. no, i had coverage, ship was fly in low orbit around Kerbin but he wasn't controllable
  5. I built the orbital vessel, he have everything what is needed- that is: control pod, communotron antena and anything else But when i launched, i can't controled this, WASD keys not worked only keys what worked thats Z and X thanks
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