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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Cool to see how many people actually care about space Junk they put out lol
  2. QUOTE] I can't even get an orbit that flat lol let alone multiable craft on the same one.
  3. ...Space Junk that is. This link shows Earth's Space Junk and some cool facts: http://i991.photobucket.com/albums/af34/DAL7964/247869_480275365326813_1727792673_n.jpg And heres Mine as of Today: http://i991.photobucket.com/albums/af34/DAL7964/screenshot62.png So post us your Space Junk (view from the tracking sation if possible) and see who is meeting Kerbin Space Enviromental standards (10 pieces per 1,000km2) P.S Keep the images a reasonable size if your going to post them in your post
  4. Ahh thanks i was wondering if there was an in-built screen shot taker. P.S The Imgines have been flipped around, so the first picture is in fact Sun two and vice versa.
  5. Hi, my first post on the fourms and i decided to share my New Rocket design(s). After much haggling with three previous series of semi-unstable designs i hit a peak with the Sun Series (Named so because i never Knew M exsited so my ship always ended up orbiting the Sun) Both are Completly stock apart from Using the common add-on the TR-32Q Stack Decoupler made by Quabit (just to tidy it up). Sun One Stats: Height: 80m Width (Base): 20m Max Thrust (T/O): 2,000 Stages: 9 total, Five Actual Max Speed at 100,000M: 2,000m/s Max Recorded: 2,500m/s at 155km Mun Capable: Yes Sun One is the first of the Sun Series. It Is a Nine Stage Heavy lifter with Twin tanked Nine IV-T30\'s engines for it\'s first stage these take it to around 7,000-10,000M. Above on three pillers are Triple tanked three IV-T30\'s with a Fourth Triple tanked IV-T30 in the center. These can take you right into orbit with still a good half tank on the final tank. Attached above is Five RT-10 Soild rocket boosters which can send you to anywhere you want. The final Engine stage is a Single tanked IV-T45 with Advanced SAS module and RCS tank (one of four) Sun One is currently my one of two of my Rockets with 100% lanuch Success (excluding indervidual staging tests) and the only one with Zero Crew Deaths. It is able to travel to Mun at a very fast pace, however it requires a bit of skill in fuel planning but Apart from that is very easy to fly. Simply have SAS and RCS on (RCS runs out around 100-120km) It is naturaly a bit slugish till the Soild boosters. Sun Two Stats: Height: 79M Width: 20m at Base Max Thrust (T/O) 2,000 Stages: 8 Total, 3 Actual Max Speed at 100km: 1,500MS Max Speed: 2000M/S Mun Capable: Yes Sun Two is a slightly modfied Sun One, with the Main Differnce being the removal of the soild boosters for and extra Tank on the final Stage. Sun Two is better Suited for missions to and from Mun as it carrys plenty of Fuel. I can easyly fly to mun and back with manouvers and still have plenty of fuel for a return trip. It is the best i have ever created, with a 100% launch success and only three crews KIA all due to pilot error. It\'s a great Newbie rocket for missions to Mun as it\'s extrmely simple to fly with five advance SAS units and nine RCS units it is very stable in flight. CAUTION: Sun one is much heavier then Sun two, so leave the first stage at MAX till at least 5,000m and only thottle down to 98% i advise you do same for the 2nd stage but above 60-90km half thottle is perfectly fine. Enjoy! Please if you have any recommendations that i could utalise for a Sun four (Sun Three is in the works ATM)
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