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  1. I've been using the latest version of ksp (1.12.3) and rp-1, I followed the wiki guide for rp-1 all the way through (so I installed rp-1 using ckan basically), everything seemed normal and working but then I found this issue where, I unlocked the first material science upgrade in the tech tree which allows you to use aluminum fuselages (last image) and waited for it to finish in the build list, then when I selected aluminum for the material it said that it wasn't unlocked (second image), also it allows me to select all of the tank types even though I don't have all of them unlocked (first image). I've tried re-installing the rp-1 express mod but that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else I should do. Another weird thing I noticed is that when I started a new career, the text windows for the regular game (that are like the mini tutorial) doesn't pop up only the ones for the mods do, not sure if this would help but I thought I'd mention it.
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