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  1. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Prozessor AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor, 3800 MHz, 12 Kern(e), 24 logische(r) Prozessor(en) | GPU: Nvidea GFForce 2080 Super | RAM: 32GB Lander Capsule shakes and Sometimes Flips after Landing, without reason. Specs: Included Attachments: KerbalSpaceProgram22024-01-0113-02-53.mp4 AutomatischesSpeichernESA12_30_202318_09.json bugreport.json
  2. i also support the option to numerical enter values. On the second hand, i realy miss all the information from the KSP different modes (orbitasl, rendevouz...) it offered so much more detail information io simply dont get from KSP 2 atm
  3. Hi, in KSP 1 you could pick samples for example from a rover and transport it back to Earth with a Kerbal (i.e. you didnt need to fly the Rover back to earth to samble there points). Is there any way you can do this now in KSP2?
  4. To be Honest, the new UI is terrible, starting with the coloring, the "Retro"-Style, the Fonts and and and and. i wish we get something more fluid and less "Retro" some days, didnt wait for CGI to get better since 1985 to get thrown back to it in 2023
  5. Hi, When I build my rockets I get disturbed by the look of the separator/engine mantled. Is there anyway that KSP uses the size of the separator and not the size of the engine for creating the mantled? I hate that it narrows with a "smaller" engine
  6. Hi, I am playing in the Career mode, of KSP. Now I shall install a satellite into an specific Orbit. AP and PE no problem so far, easy. found out how to get on the angle.. check But it also requires to have a Specific Arg PE and LAN and meanwhile I am really frustrated. I might get on the right LAN but have no clue how to set ArgPE right. Anyone here has some Tipps for me?
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