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Everything posted by Bmj774

  1. I've tried to land multiple ways. Sometimes I am not stable and go broadside for too long, or go too fast prograde, and burn up. Other times, I managed to stay stable and not burn up, by using my 1100 d/V to help stabilise on the way down, but this doesn't slow me down enough to deploy parachutes because it doesn't slow me down as much as just the heat shield would. I sorta tried your second suggestion, and I couldn't get it to work, but I'll be having a crack at your first suggestion now that I have the Claw and a leveled Engineer.
  2. Can you simply transfer crew (tourists) by docking with the claw and right clicking the cabin? I didn't consider that. If you can, then this is way easier than I thought.
  3. I mustn't have made myself clear. So, I DO have enough delta V to safely ENTER the atmosphere, however when I do, I don't have any way to stay stable enough to avoid burning up. I am not stable because I have passenger cabins underneath my command cabin (I assume that's why. All I know is that it really likes to prograde into the atmosphere). I would gladly just fall into the atmosphere after spending the 1100m/s dV to slow down if only I could keep the heat shield beneath me. I can't do this without manual stabilisation due to the unstable nature of this stage on its own. I think I will be able to find a way to get it down now though, I have gotten a bit more science and have things like the Claw at my disposal now.
  4. Help. My Rocket has 1134m/s DeltaV (Terrier Engine), but that's not enough to safely slow down to land on kerbin. At my periapsis I'm going more than 3000m/s, and I have no electricity to use reaction wheels for stability. I've tried many times to dip into the atmosphere over multiple passes, but eventually I hit ~30k and have to land, but I don't have the fuel to slow down enough to deploy parachutes, or any electricity to use reaction wheels to remain stable while using the heat shield to slow down. I am wondering if there is a way to get electricity to my ship, or save Jeb and the tourists in some other way... I'm really stuck. Is my best option to try and deliver electricity in a battery or something? using another kerbals inventory? I was thinking about sending a kerbal up with the battery, then having jeb get out and retrieve it, but idk if that power will be useable. I haven't tried this before. If a battery is in the inventory of the Mk1 crew cabin, will it power the reaction wheels? I've got some ideas, and I might be able to do it, but I am hoping for a better solution. (I don't have any save states within reasonable time before this mission, I'd have to lose heaps of progress if I were to revert to an older save... Safe to say that I've learned a lot about planning ahead with this mission haha.) Thanks in advance for anyone who offers help :)
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