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  1. My dream earlier today when I napped was I went back in time to a mountainside/ with forest homestead, and me and my two sisters were going to go to the next homestead over where there were sons, and I am engaged to one of them, my sisters and I wore old style long dresses but still rode horses over to see them. one of my sisters decided to smooze up to my fiance, a very tall long haired muscular guy, but he repulsed her and asked me to come with him to see where our homestead was going to be. We rode there and in a nice clearing the foundation was already laid, we were very proper tho, even tho alone because we weren't married yet. So we decided to ride thru the area and check it out, it was a very pleasant dream and I got to horseback ride again. but shortly after that I woke up. Dreams of going to the past are interesting, to say the least. I've had dreams of the future too, and will never forget those.
  2. I have lucid dreams all the time, trying to gain more control over them. They are vivid and you really feel like you're there. I've always enjoyed my dreams as for the most part they are great adventures. I Fly in my dreams, ride horses sometimes, but sometimes they are my brain playing games with me. Like times where I go into a kitchen in a dream and have to clean it and there are tons of dishes. Once time I fell asleep while 'Walking with Dinosaurs' was on TV. In a city setting near a river I was running from dinos. This one huge T-Rex spotted me and I ran into a building. Ran up to the second floor and hid behind a couch while the T-Rex was looking in the windows. Then I escaped out of the building and while being chased by a bunch of smaller dinos I ran to the river, jumped in and started swimming across, Somewhere in there I recall riding on one dino, but it's been so long since that dream the sequence may be a little off. I started swimming across the river at the end of the dream, but woke up right about there.
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