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Everything posted by Jeb999

  1. the ssto needs to be launched from the ksc but if your rocket has small rover wheels then you can drive it to the top of a mountain! You can also use heat shields as wings
  2. Of course you can use graphical mods But you can‘t use kraken drives
  3. Hello I had the idea of making a stock ssto chalenge. required: a command pod(not a space chair) the ssto would needs to launch from the ksc go into orbit and land back at kerbin. the smallest launch mass wins.
  4. I tried to install ckan but it didn‘t work because I would need a higher ios update that is not kompatible with my mac but I will try to download launchpad
  5. Hello I wanted to mod my KSP on my mac but the mods made problems and I coudent load the game. So I deleted my KSP folder and reenstalled the game. Someone told me to copy the game file and mod that copy but I dont know how to do that could someone help me? Any help is estimated!!
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