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  1. ty Yes, I's a great idea, I didn't think it before but the problem is I don't have a drilling machine yet and I'm far away to research it.
  2. I'm trying to put this chunk of rock in orbit of Minmus several times but without success, I tried some rockets configuration but there was always not sufficient fuel to finish the mission.Someone already made this contract before? Can anyone give me suggestions of spacecraft constructions?Below goes the asteroid orbit that I already achieve untill now.It's mass is 290.38t Tx
  3. I solve the problem, Scatterer was outdated, I just replace for a new one and worked. Tx to all
  4. Cooretion: it was EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements not EVE and I just donwloaded and put the folder inside GameData
  5. Hello everybodie, I installed EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements and Scatter but IDK why Kerbin is mochromatic atmosphere and there is no ocean, only a blue depth.I uploaded 4 screenshots, notice the queue screen seems to be ok, in the tracking system appear to be ok too (Kerbin with light blue atmosphere) but wen the business is mission it appear totally mono, grey.I tried reinstall the game and install Module Manager mod but the issue persists.Please anyone can help solve this? Tx
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