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Everything posted by randallbarber

  1. There seems to be a glitch with my shadow that makes it look awful I can also see my shadow in space clearly, the closer I get to ground the less distorted the shadow is until it looks completely normal, and the opposite for gaining altitude. I have the following mods, Scatterer AtmosphericScatterer EVE AstronomerVisualPack TUFX DistantObjectEnhancement Kopernicus Parallax Planetshine Restock WaterFall Chatterer Images: https://imgur.com/9Tdfy56 https://imgur.com/7MTZGde
  2. dropbox link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwdxkjscchtzgp3/Player.log?dl=0
  3. dropbox link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwdxkjscchtzgp3/Player.log?dl=0
  4. Im on windows 10, AMD Ryzen 5 3500 6-Core Processor NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 16gb ram Where would I find the logs you want?
  5. When ever I try to launch the game either from the launcher or just from the KSP_x64 itself I keep getting error "Internal Error 0x0A: Protection initialization failed!"
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