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  1. So I downgraded my ksp from 1.7 to 1.2 (via CKAN) and then had to reorder the mod versions. Then, the game actually worked, so I started a science mode game. Then I entered the VAB and went to the pods section. Nothing. Went to the engines section. Nothing. Went to the fuel tank section. Nothing. My starting tech didnt even show having the normal stuff. I searched for some classic fuel tanks in the search menu, yet I only found the modded ones. I have TOTALLY no idea how could this happen, and I have alot of mods installed, so it was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find the mod that caused this. LOG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ZEoBYRfqnwyOUxUj0F4tXW5rJ3KueEK/view?usp=sharing MODLIST: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BdpuSO14P2xtal_FFu2MevMrZyFp_6wG?usp=sharing A small example of the situation:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TsYKpJOrDMaqq4NBbOHTsbR1aKLmmN35/view?usp=sharing
  2. I didnt really go to a higher version just so I could install more mods. I went there so I could install Kopernicus Expanded Continued, hoping that it will fix the issue of the normal Kopernicus Expanded failing to load, as I mentioned in the post. I unchecked 1.7, downgraded nearly every mod i could to 1.0 and/or 1.2 (I didnt mention this in the post). Thanks for your reply.
  3. NOTE THAT I USED CKAN TO DOWNLOAD NEARLY EVERY MOD, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF KITTOPIATECH So, this all started when I was trying to get kopernicus expanded. I tried to get it, yet it failed to load, no matter what I tried. So I went on to the compatible game versions tab in CKAN, set it to 1.7 and then installed kopernicusexpanded continued. Then, I accidentaly updated all the installed mods. And then, it all went downhill. Ksp crashed in the middle of loading. I suspect that interstellarfuelswitch might play a role in it, but I am unsure. I do not even know where to start. I set nearly every mod that ksp interstellar expanded depends on to the same game version, yet it was useless. However I fixed an issue by downgrading a mod to 1.2, yet i cant remember the name of the mod. I am uncertain which mods cause this, yet i am somewhat "heavily" modded (most are dependent mods) and so i do not even know to which mod do i link it to. Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kes0D5kJJ9FLMjmqVCN7x42be_NfTLo6/view?usp=sharing Modlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b6yOLWIBV6ioj-B1f-biAlogw4YdSBqG?usp=sharing
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