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  1. I simply took a picture of the screen with my phone since i dont have a computer yet but thanks!
  2. I captured kerbin on the wrong side but other then that, it was a total success! Thank you all for the tips, everything went so smoothly it almost made it easy ( tho it took me quite a while to accomplish) . Thanks again !! \○/
  3. I do have a reaction wheel but its pretty close to the main engines and it is turned off, should i turn off the lander pod reaction wheel and its engine gimbal also?
  4. I'll try the autostrut, im still a noob so i have a hard time getting the right amount of dv so i wouldnt know what part to take off, thanks!
  5. Sorry i cant figure out how to post the picture but basicaly, its a big spacecraft made out of a Mk1-3 command pod followed by 3 Rockomax x200-32 fuel tank below. I attached 3 other smaller fuel tank on 3 sides and put nuclear engine on each. The lander goes on top, docked in space with clampotron. I made it with 1 rckmx x200-32 and 1 rckmx x200-8, a 2.5m payload and a poodle engine. With all the science gathering stuff i have rn, solar panel and batteries
  6. Hey there! Im playing on ps4 and im trying to assemble my Space craft using a single high isp rocket with a lander attached Apollo-style. Thing is, everytime i tried it in the past, i remember the whole craft started wobbling in every direction and i'd like to avoid that as much as possible. Can anyone help me plz ?
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