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Posts posted by Onyx_Pheonix

  1. 2 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

    You want to make literal physics optional?  May as well remove the need for engines as an option.

    Reentry heating already is optional in KSP, I'm just using that as an example of an option that can be toggled.  

    3 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

    Game is moddable, mods are usually free. It's probably not worth assigning workman hours for a feature that would please only a bunch of hardcore players.

    The benefit would be to market that as a part of the game. Including it gives the studio the credit and rights to it, as well as includes support for content so it wouldn't need to be updated as a mod after every iteration released in development. This also isn't just a hard core player thing, most KSP players I've talked to in my friend groups love the idea of mechanics like this. If all we can get is mods, that's what we'll take(because these mods will happen), but I'm recommending this be more than a mod because it's a popular mechanic. 

  2. Thanks for the thoughts, folks!

    3 hours ago, pandaman said:

    as well as the player being constantly bombarded with 'this part needs fixing' messages at inconvenient moments.

    My idea isn't to have this as an issue that would present itself in every mission. In fact, I would like it to only be rarely, as a proverbial spice to the game, not a main ingredient. Ways to mitigate that could include gaining engine data, as I believe a few mods already utilize. This would mean you can't go for a deep interstellar mission with an untested engine without risking failure, but maybe with x amount of flights then the chance of failure is eventually eliminated, or the base failure chance is mitigated as you go up in tech tiers.

    23 hours ago, The Aziz said:

    it should remain in a mod territory


    3 hours ago, pandaman said:

    Fine as a mod, but not as even a toggleable option in stock IMHO

    I think this should be an option in the game, much as reentry heating or permanent Kerbal death. In multiplayer it could be a server setting where the server pop all abides by the same rules. Sure modders can do it, but this gives players more options for re-playability in the base game. While there is a term, "Kerbal" denoting the inherent chaos in the game, the developers also did a great job capturing the spirit of astronavigation, physics, and aerodynamics. Some people crave a more realistic feeling to the classic KSP which is where mods like Realism Overhaul come into play. This would allow the game devs to optimize and market the game in another potentially profitable way if they add it as an option to base and not just allow it as a mod. 

  3. A recommendation for people looking for more difficulty in the game, add the potential for parts failure as an option. Engine failures, control surfaces sticking, gimbal lock, partial damage states for parts overstressed by aerodynamic or gravitational forces. Maybe for each of those add a way to mitigate the potential for these problems too, balanced against extra weight for reinforcement or reduced speed for an aircraft. Several mods out there already based on realism and equipment limitations. 

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