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Everything posted by Colin_TJ

  1. Are all up to date rockets like Saturn v, shuttles and other lifters like Russian one will be included in game as prebuild and ready to use? Are current and past spacecraft like Voyager, Sputnik will be included and prebuild? Are space station like ISS and Mir will be included and prebuild in base game. Maybe in cat example like. Mir-> each part( stage) separate ISS -> each part(stage) separate. It would be a good start to be able to replay cards of history form start (as learning curve) it would be more progressive ( from first rocket in space through establishing mission to moon and building space station stage by stage to landing on Mars) and then once achieving those steps new players would be able to carry on exploring further in to space. If this thread( questions where already asked) exist please point me in their direction and I do apologize for inconvenience.
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