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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. well I have pm`ed the person I needed to so do you want a .craft file or something
  2. could I join I have expertise in quick takeoff aircraft aka hybrid vtol tech of which I have made 5 and heavy aircraft
  3. thank you for closing the thread btw can you lock threads yet

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  4. well it is just a nice idea that is very ahead of its time
  5. I did say I did not want any feedback really thanks though please do not post
  6. Just an idea what about paying $ 0.25 to $ 0.50 for a kerbal for a special kerbal like an neil armstrong kerbal/bobak ferdowski kerbal or a yuri gargarin kerbal to honour their achievements. note: you will only have one or two so you have to keep them alive I do not want feedback so please only pm me if you want to.
  7. hey nova please make like a piston engine and some kind of tilting part for couplers because that would be so fun also look up the irve 3 it would really help with mun landings (it is a inflatable shield/parachute

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  8. I hadthis problem and how you fix it is by resetting your password just say that you forgot your password and them login with the temporary password and chande it to your old one hope this helps
  9. well it is hard but the one thing you need to know is that you need your plane to be extremely stable or you flip over easily
  10. :D :D I have linked to the ksp site on my steam profile
  11. I found this very near the ksc
  12. looks brilliant it rivals my vtol hybrids for the fact it is so small great work
  13. it is because that two or four engines are unstable when you do not have much control also I will post pictures soons
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