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  1. Ever since installing BD Armory, my spaceplane hangar looks like this If I try to select a part, it won't connect to anything and stays as a red outline. If I try to look at craft details, you can see the little info blip on the side that does pretty much nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Mods installed
  2. No surface textures (besides trees). Missing grass and kelp (underwater). Tried everything: - Manual Install - Reinstall - CKAN Install - Verifying game files - Etc. Other notes: - Terrain set to Ultra. - The Mun surprisingly works though (Haven't yet visited other planets with Parallax yet) - Current install is with CKAN Here's an image of it: https://preview.redd.it/ec3ikcym5txb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6d74a12ca023b4a9763add396e83416f2463a01
  3. Trying to get volumetric clouds to work but I can't do it for my life. This is what it looks like right now: https://imgur.com/bXkVWvJ Tried the old plugins, and I don't understand the config menu at all. It says Kerbin aurora, Kerbin ciruss clouds, kerbin clouds, etc. It says I'm using AVP and I even downloaded the 43k clouds from the mod page, but to my absolute suprise, nothing changed.
  4. Hi! My MK1 planes don't fly really well. They always take off, then start spinning in all directions. No idea why. My MK2 planes are fine. MK3 planes are fine until I try to turn them, then they have the same problem as the MK1s. Anybody know why? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Hi! I just finished my first session of (failed) VTOLs, and I still not sure what went wrong. I understand that the CoM should be closely aligned with the CoL, but whenever I test my spaceplane it either roles to the side so much it flips upside down, or it just rotates in a circle without rolling. Both turn into uncontrollable free falls and spirlas before it disappears into the water. Could anybody give me advice? Also, 75% of my plane tests veer off the runway and explode before I get halfway of the runway. Thanks!
  6. Hi! I'm planning a space station, and wanted to know if I have to dock fuel tank to fuel tank (or any other adjacent flow mode resource) to transfer my goodies, or if I can just slap on a docking port anywhere on my ship to transfer them. Also, is there any way that I can go the other way and deliberately block resource transfer? (Not just with decouplers or docking ports)
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