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Everything posted by michal_cz17

  1. Here's a video to see what I'm talking about: The ship that can be seen in 0:22 is the same that just jump out of the solar system at the end of the video. And yes, i am using this menu to set position, i just didnt knew it was possible to open it with ALT+F12.
  2. I am sorry, but what is "F12"? Should it just switch "aerodynamics forces overlay" to enable/disable? I am sorry, i am quite new to ksp.
  3. Hi, i want to teleport some ships and rovers to Ike, but every time i add 2nd ship, it just throw the last one to space with enormous speed away from the Ike. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong? And yes, every time i place it on another location, even on the other side.
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