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Everything posted by LogBaseTwo

  1. Hi, loving this mod so far. It's gotten me back into KSP after a long hiatus! I'm excited to get back into it. I've only had one small problem so far. That is the lighting/shading appears to be off on the smaller, non-collidable scatter objects. It is most noticeable in the dark. Below is a screenshot on the dark side of Minimus. The rocks on the Mun look some what the similar. From what I've seen of others' screenshots and videos, this is not what it's supposed to look like. Got any ideas of what it might be? KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dsgjcr28xcmt82b/KSP.log?dl=0 I have more information about my mod list and configuration settings below. The other visual mods I have installed are: EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements PlanetShine Scatterer StockVisualEnhancements Full list of all mods I have installed: My graphics settings are below:
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