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The Pilotman69

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Everything posted by The Pilotman69

  1. I'd like to start off by saying that KSP is easily one of my all time favorite games available on PC. I've spent many hours getting aircraft to complete ridiculous challenges with friends and many flight-related activities. My biggest area of expertise and my most visited Kerbal facility is aircraft. Making high-performance fighters that generally look ok is my thing. I would love to see some adaptable engines and intakes to better fit the design of the craft like SimpleRockets2 does, but it's not necessary for the launch update. My biggest deal with space travel - It's too easy. The size of Kerbal is purposefully small to make it much easier to get materials into orbit. Why not have different diameter Kerbals for different difficulty settings? Biomes just get up-sized and textures the same. "Realism setting" would be earth's Size and mass, then 65%, then the normal third. With the additional interstellar travel, this would make the game much more interesting for the group of players who know orbital physics and aero. I'm not trying to say that if someone finds space travel hard is dumb, but I've just time and time again gotten bored of the same old design of rockets that will always make it to high-orbit no matter what. I hope y'all take time to read this, and I want to thank the developers for staying true to the original game's aesthetics, and style. I'm super hyped for the release!
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