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Jeb is crying for help

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Everything posted by Jeb is crying for help

  1. I tried what you told me to do, I think it worked. However, the bug I am encountering seems sporadic, and sometimes doesn’t happen, so idk if that’s it. Also, how can I share the log file?
  2. Whenever I try to right click on parts, for example, a solar panel, it just shows this: https://imgur.com/QP0sjDm The same thing happens for command pods, and when I right click again, the buttons don't go away. The only way to get rid of them is to reload a quicksave or go to tracking station and back. When I do those things, the hotbar on the right of the screen gets bugged and creates random buttons that don't work. The only way to fix the hotbar is to reload the game, and that doesn't fix any issues. Action groups don't work, so what should I do? this is my mod folder: https://imgur.com/tgBOBav https://imgur.com/TsgqENw
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