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Everything posted by SuperKipKip

  1. Yes, all mods are updated. I only first installed them all around a month ago. I haven't updated the game to 1.12.4 or 5, is .3 over a year old? Is there anything I can do besides removing the mods related to the errors? there also seems to be an on-and-off issue with the game crashing before the main menu, and the logs end abruptly while reading heightmaps of modded bodies from OPM. as I'm not even that far in the tech tree yet I don't mind removing it for now, but the other ones, especially cobtract configurator and tantares, I'd rather not have to get rid of.
  2. Ok. Thank you both. I uninstalled KCL, but i'm still crashing to desktop when loading a save game. Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/epenr8j3ivjbr2a/Player01062253.log?dl=0 Seems like there are 5 errors. 3 are related to Contract Configurator having trouble with Kerbalism modules; 1 seems to be Scatterer; the other having to do with... drag cubes?
  3. title. game version 1.12.3. at first i thought it was an issue with TUFX, so i uninstalled. then i thought it was Tantares Recolors. still kept crashing. i reinstalled Recolors but not TUFX. i am able to run a vanilla instance with absolutely no issues. no idea what mods are the issue Player.log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjpugmbnqgeifsp/Player.log?dl=0 usually, the game loads to the main menu and seems fine - when i pick a save game to resume, it freezes on the loading screen for a minute, then crashes to desktop. rarely, the game will crash to desktop before loading the main menu screen, but after the loading bar is full and says "expansions complete." be gentle am noob. the game worked fine for weeks, with good fps, only crashing once every few hours, with this modlist. suddenly, no save games can be loaded without crashing. system specs: OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_64 | host: HP Pavilion Notebook | CPU: Intel i7-6500U (4) @3.100G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 940M [Intel Skylake GT2] | Memory: 2921MiB / 15840MiB most mods installed via CKAN. a few were manually installed. modlist: 000_AT_Utils 1.10.1 | 000_ClickThroughBlocker | 000_Harmony 2.2.1 | 000_USITools 112.0.1 | 001_ToolbarControl | ASET Agency 1.0 | ASET Avionics 2.1 | ASET Props 1.5 | Astrogator 1.0.0 | B9PartSwitch 2.20.0 | Chatterer | ChattererExtended 0.6.2 | CommunityDeltaVMaps 2.8 | CommunityResourcePack 112.0.1 | CommunityTechTree 3.4.4| CommunityTerrainTexturePack 1.0.4 | ConfigurableContainers | ContractConfigurator {CareerEvolution ?; CleverSat 1.4; CommNetRelays 2.1.0; ExplorationPlus 2.0.1; FieldResearch 1.2.2; KerbalAcademy 1.1.10; BasesandStations 3.7.3 ; PlanesWithPurposes 1.5; ResearchAdvancement 1.2.1} | CustomBarnKit 1.1.22 | DeployableEngines 1.3.1 | DistantObject | ContractParser 1.0.9 | ContractsWindowPlus | Progress Parser 1.0.11 | DynamicBatteryStorage 2.2.5 | EVARepairs 1.3.4 | HeatControl 0.6.1 | HideEmptyTechTreeNodes 1.3.2 | HullCameraVDS 0.2.2 | RPM 0.31.9 | KerbalActuators 1.8.5 | KerbalAlarmClock 3.14 | KerbalChangelog 1.4.2 | KerbalConstructionTime | KerbalEngineer | Kerbalism 3.16 | KerbalismCompanionCalculator 1.2 | KerbalismConfig 3.16 | Kopernicus | kOS 1.3.2 | kOS-Astrogator 0.2.2 | kOS-KerbalEngineer 0.1.1 | KRASH | KSAIVA 1.6.4| KSPCommunityFixes 1.23 | MagiCore | MinimumAmbientLightingUpdated | ModularFlightIntegrator 1.2.10 | NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE | NearFutureAeronautics 2.1.1 | NearFutureElectrical 1.2.3 | NearFutureExploration 1.1.2 | NearFutureProps 0.7.1 | NearFutureSolar 1.3.2 | OPM 2.2.10 | PatchManager | PersistentRotation | PlanetInfoPlus 1.4.2 | PlanetShine | RCSBuildAid 1.0.6 | RealPlume 13.3.2 | RealPlume-Stock 4.0.8 | ReentryParticleEffectRenewed | ReStock 1.4.3 | ReStockPlus 1.4.3 | Reviva 0.8.1 | SCANsat 1.20.4 | Scatterer 0.0838 | ScrapYard 2.2.1 | SmartParts 1.9.17 | SmokeScreen 2.8.14 | SoundingRockets 112.0.1 | SpaceTuxLibrary | StageRecovery | StationPartsExpansionRedux 2.0.10 | StationPartsExpansionReduxIVAs 2.0.10 | StockVisualEnhancements 1.4 | StockWaterfallEffects 0.7 | Strategia 1.8 | SystemHeat 0.6.0 | SystemHeatConverters 0.6.0 | SystemHeatFissionEngines 0.6.0 | SystemHeatFissionReactors 0.6.0 | SystemHeatHarvesters 0.6.0 | TacFuelBalancer | Tantares 25.0 | TantaresLV ? | TantaresRecolors 5 (5.0?) | TantaresSAF ? | TantaresSP 5.0 | TextureReplacer 4.5.3 | TransferWindowPlanner 1.8 | Trajectories 2.4.3 | UnKerballedStart 1.3.2 | UtilityWeight 2.0 | Waterfall 0.9.0 | WaterfallRestock 0.2.3 | WaypointManager | WernherChecker | ModuleManager 4.2.2 thank you!
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